2016 * Product Design

Youse Launch

Designing Brazil's first insurtech experience from scratch

Launching Youse

Caixa Seguradora wanted to launch the first Brazilian insurtech that would sell auto, home, and life insurance completely online, innovating the way people buy insurance in Brazil. The team was assembled in May 2015 and began selling insurance to real customers on April 4th, 2016: Youse was born.

2015 → 2018

Product Designer



User Research

My role

Youse was the first Brazilian insurtech that empowered customers to choose plans of insurance the way they want, customized and personalized, user-centered, without any kind of intermediate

UX Team

The UX team was the first to be formed before Youse has its name. We were a group of 7 designers, with different skills, and in 1 semester we joined workshops of research, we did a benchmark of the structures, processes, and tools a team of designers around the world was using, and studied usability tests, design guidelines for new platforms and cases of digital insurances. Mckinsey was with us to clarify the purpose desired of Caixa Seguradora and to align with us what would be the vision of this startup. Ana Couto team, responsible for the branding creation, was together at the time of the launch.

The project started in the first semester of 2015 in Brasilia, but the first insurance was sold on April 4th, 2016. Youse was born with a team of developers, product managers, agile coaches, designers, specialists, human resources and others, people very qualified and easygoing, passionate, and inspired to be the first Brazilian insurtech. People involved in Youse's launch were very proud of the product we brought to Brazil insurance market in digital, and expect to make a revolution in the Brazilian’s relationships with insurance. The first product launched was the home insurance, then after, auto and life insurance were released.

UX team at the launch's time: Aurelio Jota, Frank Abreu, Bruno Capella (Ana Couto team), Livia Holanda, Cesário Monteiro, Virginia Oliveira, Clóves Cardoso, Bruno Mascarenhas (Ana Couto team), Beto Lima and Felipe Ramos (Ana Couto team).

UX team at the launch's time: Aurelio Jota, Frank Abreu, Bruno Capella (Ana Couto team), Livia Holanda, Cesário Monteiro, Virginia Oliveira, Clóves Cardoso, Bruno Mascarenhas (Ana Couto team), Beto Lima and Felipe Ramos (Ana Couto team).

At the time of the launch, all the designer’s efforts were on the same product, designing institutional pages, social media, and internal marketing material, creating proto personas, making research and tests with potential clients in the streets, and working on a consistent conversion flow that could be used for other products. Besides that, Beto Lima, Bruno Capella, and I were focused also on the first drawings and iconography for assistance and coverage of the products. 

First illustrations


We did a lot of benchmarking of directions we want to take for our drawings. After a lot research, we chose a simple style to follow and adapt to our platforms. After that, Beto Lima and I drew every illustration we need for the launch of Youse. 

First UX team in São Paulo: Clóves Cardoso, Beto Lima, Livia Holanda, Bruno Capella, Suzi Sarmento, Aurélio Jota, Frank Abreu, Cesário Monteiro, Bruno Gaspar.

In July 2016, Youse moved to São Paulo, and at the UX team grew up. Before that, I was part of the Pos Sale Squad, Life Insurance Squad, and Institucional team. When in SP, I joined the Mobile Squad, the team that would develop the Youse application experience. I was focused in creating new features and improving the app we had, which was developed by another company. 

My timeline at Youse

Once in Mobile Squad, I had the opportunity to learn guidelines for mobile applications and how to validate features with users, testing the low fidelity prototype version before designing the interface.  I did some wearables experiences too.

During this period, we're very proud that our app was at the top of the App Store 2 times! :)

In 2017, I was part of a new product squad that was discontinued. Besides, I was the designer responsible for Youse Trips experience

Youse in 2018

Three years later, Youse's squads are divided by step of the user journey. I'm the designer responsible for conversion online. My job is to study the metrics of the actual sales platform, analyze pain points, discover users’ needs to improve the web flow of conversion, and design native flows in the app. We are implementing new features now, based on data input.

And when I'm not focused on squad tasks, I'm thinking about micro-interactions and motion that could make the experience more delightful and sexy, as this refreshed to pull Debora Dias and I experimented last year.

Follow me in dribble to see more of this kind of work.

Follow me in dribble to see more of this kind of work.

I try to be updated about what insurtechs around the world are doing to innovate, and always testing better ways to make the buying step easier and more enjoyable, reduce interaction frictions and make it happen without any kind of difficulty. For that, I believe it's fundamental to be in touch with real users. Every new feature I design uses to be tested and validated with clients or potential clients.

At the beginning of the year, the Design team is formed by these beautiful people:

UX team 2018 (left to right): Livia Holanda, Camila Rocun, Alessandra Calazans, Cloves Cardoso, Matheus Barro, Aurelio Jota, Debora Dias, Bruno Gaspar, Elisabet de Marco, Cesário Monteiro, Anderson Silva, Bruno Capella, Natasha Zito, Frank Abreu, Ro…

UX team 2018 (left to right): Livia Holanda, Camila Rocun, Alessandra Calazans, Cloves Cardoso, Matheus Barro, Aurelio Jota, Debora Dias, Bruno Gaspar, Elisabet de Marco, Cesário Monteiro, Anderson Silva, Bruno Capella, Natasha Zito, Frank Abreu, Roberta Castellano.

User insights and new illustrations

In 2018, 3 years after the launch, Youse's illustrations are being replaced. Before a deep study and research with users and clients about the version of launch, Debora Dias, our amazing illustrator, is drawing brand new illustrations, with components and very useful guides. Soon, it will be all over Youse materials, online and offline. Wait to see it, because we are very excited about this work!

Recognitions & Press

Digital Disruption in Insurance 2017. Read more
Digital Insurance 2018: Driving real impact with digital and analytics. Read more

Uber dos seguros? Operação da Youse gera polêmica. Read more

Seguro online pode ser configurado no aplicativo. Watch it
Saiba como funciona o seguro on-line para carros. Watch it
Seguro pode ser configurado de acordo com a preferência do cliente. Watch it

Seguradora forma grupo de clientes e promete devolver até 50% do dinheiro se ninguém bater o carro. Read more

Época Negócios
Startups entram no mercado das seguradoras. Read more

Conexão Fintech
7 Startups que estão reinventando o mercado de seguros no Brasil. Read more

Verbete Draft: O que é insurtech? Read more

For more information

If you want to know more about the whole history or talk about the lessons we've learned all this time, or just share experiences, I'm very open to talking about it! :)

You can check Youse website or download the app on Google Play or Apple Store.

I wrote about my learnings in this company on my Medium. They talk about the interfaces’ iterations and the design team's maturity from the beginning of the company till the time I left.
Check them out:
A evolução do Design na Youse - parte 1
A evolução do Design na Youse - parte 2